Fire Dreams: Making Black Feminist Liberation in the South

Turning the fire meant to destroy us into the fury that will save us.

In the aftermath of an arson attack meant to destroy Women With A Vision, Deon Haywood, Laura McTighe and the Women With A Vision team set out to gather every life-giving ember and piece together the story of WWAV’s 30-plus years of radical, Southern, Black feminist world making in hopes of igniting dreams anew.

Loretta J. Ross, activist, author, and MacArthur Fellow

“When fighting the amassed forces of injustice, our oppressors must remember that fire burns and fire also replenishes. The inspiring story of Deon Haywood and Women With A Vision recounts how nothing can quench the determination of people demanding freedom, and nothing can quell the passion of those who have committed their lives to justice and human rights. These warrior goddesses are fierce and loving in this wonderfully moving story told with Laura McTighe. This is essential reading for those of us learning to be fearless in the service of our people.